
[Scene opens on a dramatic cut of Tobe opening his eyes in a bamboo forest.]

Tobe: To be my best, I must face my worst... enemy, that is. [Pan over to one of his ninjas wearing a duct-taped drawing of Garu’s face. It falls off but the ninja puts it back on] Get ready! Golden… [A ball of energy gathers at his waist] pelvis… [Leaps towards the ninja] thruuust!!!  [The ninja steps to the side, causing Tobe to land face first onto a rock, sliding down it] Ow, oh, my hip. [Grabs hip and jumps, wincing. Tobe then does some hand movements] Laughing lightning ninja jab! [Shoots energy out of his hands. He quickly runs over to the ninja and zaps a small bolt at the ninja, who falls to the ground laughing] Stop laughing and stand still! [The ninja gets up, giggling one more time. Tobe then jumps up a bamboo and juggles fruit] Monkey swings grabbing fruit! [Pucca emerges from a bush and sees the ninja wearing the Garu face, mistaking him for Garu, giggling happily. She then sees Tobe leaning over to the ninja, causing her to push the ninja aside and grab the bamboo] Uh oh. [Pucca lets go of the bamboo, sending Tobe flying across the sky.]

[Scene transitions to Tobe with a bulky backpack on his back, travelling in the mountains with two of his ninjas.]

Tobe: I must learn the ultimate ninja move from Master… [Clenches fist] Hiel Kikyu. So I shall embark on a dangerous quest [Pan over to high above the mountains] to his mountaintop layer. Scratching... the undersides of the heavens. [Tobe is overwhelmed by the weight of his backpack, barely moving a foot as he sweats and groans while his two ninjas watch. A bus honks and drives up to Tobe. Tobe gets on the bus, which promptly drives up the mountains. Santa is driving the bus.]

Santa: Next stop, a mountaintop layer scratching the undersides of the heavens, ho ho. [The bus arrives at a temple, dropping Tobe off, and driving backwards, falling down. Tobe looks up at the temple in awe, panning down to see Hiel Kikyu meditating.]

Hiel Kikyu: Ohm… ohmm... money, [Pan out to Hiel Kikyu sitting in front of a pile of coins] I love money. [Hears Tobe approaching him, covers money and places a goldfish bowl on top] Can I help you?

Tobe: I demand you teach me the ultimate ninja move!

Hiel Kikyu: Not until I deem you worthy of my legendary tutelage. See if you can remove this rice ball [Kicks rice ball on top of his head] from my head.

Tobe: Huh! Easy. [Runs over to kick the ball, only to be punched by Hiel Kikyu, resulting in a fail. Tobe tries again, only to be kicked by Hiel Kikyu, resulting in another fail. Tobe tries running up to him with a staff, but Hiel Kikyu simply grabs and tosses it and Tobe away, marking another fail. Tobe tries running up to him with his sword, but Hiel Kikyu uses his braid to grab and throw him away, marking one last fail. Tobe sits up] It’s impossible!

Hiel Kikyu: You believe it is impossible. That is why you fail. So… you can just buy it off me. [Tobe looks up and grabs his coin purse.]

Tobe: Oh, uh well, in that case. [Hiel Kikyu’s eyes glimmer, but he shakes his head.]

Hiel Kikyu: Perhaps it would be advisable for a beginner like yourself to start with the: [Pulls out deodorant with a hand symbol on the front] Roll-On Power Punch.

Tobe: [Holds out a coin] Perfect! [Gives Hiel Kikyu the coin.]

[Scene transitions to Tobe and Garu fighting on a cliff as the ocean roars in the background. Tobe lunges at Garu attempting to punch him, but Garu jumps and kicks him, sending him flying. Tobe gets up.]

Tobe: Prepare to smell [Brings out deodorant] the stench… of defeat! [Rubs the stinky deodorant all over himself. Garu becomes confused. The stench blows through Tobe’s eyes as he runs towards Garu] Oh, it burns, it burns! Ah, it’s in my eyes, it’s in my eyes! [Garu steps back as Tobe, blinded by the smell, runs off the cliff and falls into the ocean. Garu sticks his tongue out in disgust at the smell.]

[Scene transitions to Tobe, with red eyes, throwing the deodorant in front of Hiel Kikyu.]

Tobe: Your deodorant stinks!

Hiel Kikyu: Sounds like this situation calls for the… [Pulls out flower] Ruthless Lotus Destroyer. A flower [Pulls the stem, causing the flower to spin around] with kung-fu power. [Tobe chuckles and rubs his hands as he walks over and gives Hiel Kikyu a coin.]

[Scene transitions to Tobe and Garu standing off in a pond filled with lily pads. Tobe pulls out the flower.]

Tobe: Lotus… begin. [Garu rolls his eyes, but prepares to attack Tobe, jumping through the pads and jumping at him. Tobe pulls the stem and the flower spins. He then aims the flower at Garu. The flower shoots pollen at him, causing him to sneeze, blowing him back and the flower’s petals. Tobe sees the flower droop. Pucca appears from behind Garu, offering him a tissue, causing Garu to run away as Pucca chases him.]

[Scene transitions to Tobe angrily shaking the flower in front of Hiel Kikyu.]

Tobe: This flower has no power! [Throws stem away] I refuse to buy anymore of your useless trinkets! [Angrily stomps away, looking back at Hiel Kikyu.]

Hiel Kikyu: How unfortunate you feel that way, [Tobe rolls his eyes, nodding] because I believe you are finally ready for the ultimate ninja move. [Tobe’s eyes look up, looking back at Hiel Kikyu] The Breaking Wind Hurricane Palm Blast! It is guaranteed to destroy or enemy or- [Points to pile of coins] your money back. [Tobe walks up to Hiel Kikyu, thinking.]

Tobe: Hm. Show me this… [Poses and moves hands around] move.

Hiel Kikyu: Very well. First, [A power bar appears below Hiel Kikyu] you must power up. [As Hiel Kikyu fights the air, the power bar increases. Hiel Kikyu channels the energy into a giant ball, maximizing the bar but stops before he can unleash it] Hold on to your mask! [Blows the ball. A hand formed from the energy blows towards Tobe, who jumps out of the way, and through a stone, which erodes the part it went through, and jungle, which blows all the bamboos away, smacking a rock wall, pushing it back slightly. It leaves behind a hand imprint. Tobe, looking back on it, thinks and then jumps around, holding his coin purse.]

Tobe: Sold!

[Scene dissolves to Tobe’s ninjas watching him and Garu fight in the forest. Once again, Tobe tries punching Garu, who jumps and kicks him, sending him sliding through the ground.]

Tobe: Enough of this frivolous sparring! Time for my ultimate maneuver. [A power bar appears below Tobe. He cautiously performs the same moves Hiel Kikyu did before stopping as his ninjas and Garu looks on, disinterested] Ohh, [Stammers] give me a second. Uh, I need to get ready. Wait, w-w-wait wait wait. [Garu groans] Uh, it wa- [Garu kicks Tobe, sending him sliding through the ground again. Tobe jumps up waving his arms] I wasn’t ready yet! Wait! [Garu casually walks over to Tobe, who, with the power bar below him, hurriedly tries to perform the moves again. When Tobe jumps, Garu grabs his leg and throws him to the ground. Tobe jumps up] What part of wait don’t you understand! [Garu rolls his eyes and scratches his head as Tobe attempts again] Almost there… [Garu grabs Tobe’s leg and throws him to the ground, walking away] No, wait! I need some more time! [Tobe’s ninjas walk up to him] Go get Garu and return in five minutes. [The ninjas walk away. Tobe calls out to one ninja] No, uh… ten. [The ninja walks away. Tobe attempts to do the same moves, this time succeeding as he channels the energy into a ball, maxing out the power bar] I’m ready! Bring me Garu! [Chuckles. Looks around to see he is by himself] Well… where are they? [Becomes worried as the scene cuts to the sunny forest] I’m, uh… sure they’ll be back here soon. [The sky becomes night and day rapidly, with the leaves falling off the tree, blowing away, and a pile of snow covers the forest and Tobe. It then melts and flowers bloom in the trees and forest, blowing away back to the previous season. Tobe, still holding the energy ball, screams into the sky] WHERE ARE THEY?! [Cut to the ninjas bathing at a sauna deep in the forest.]

Ninja 1: Wasn’t there something we were supposed to do?

Ninja 2: ...No…

[Scene transitions to Garu and Mio meditating together in the forest. Pucca appears from behind, spooking Mio, and leans over to kiss Garu’s face. He quickly runs away, causing Pucca, who giggles, to run after him. Cut to Tobe struggling to hold onto the ball when he hears Garu.]

Tobe: Huh? [Garu looks back, running away] Finally! Pwah. [Blows the ball, turning it into a hand. Garu, seeing this, stops. Pucca smiles. Garu prepares to get hit by the hand, getting kissed by Pucca, who manages to shield him from the hand, leaving the two to stand on the now Pucca shaped ground. Garu manages to run away as Pucca looks down and sees that part of her shirt has been burnt, looking at Tobe] Uh… [Pucca runs over to Tobe] Hold that thought! Just a sec! [Tobe hurriedly tries performing the moves again, only to be kicked high into the sky, landing in front of Hiel Kikyu. Tobe looks up] Uh… about that guarantee…? [Hiel Kikyu looks down at Tobe.]

Hiel Kikyu: Ah, no receipt, no refund! [Tobe moans in defeat.]

[Scene transitions to Pucca chasing Garu. A power bar appears above her head as she performs the same moves and blows the energy, which is now heart shaped, at Garu. Garu gets caught up in the energy and Pucca jumps inside, grabbing his hand and kissing his cheek as he squirms around as the scene fades to black.]
