
Gold Medal Garu is the second segment of the twenty-forth episode of the television show Pucca. It first aired on April 27, 2007.


Garu faces Tobe in the Olympic games for honor, glory and (unknowingly) the affection of Goddess Pucca.


Ssoso, who appears to be an old Greek philosopher Socrates, is teaching Garu and Abyo. Tobe arrives, saying that philosophy is nothing compared to brute force, then throws grapes on the ground and squishes them in front of Garu, causing him to get wet and angry at Tobe. Ssosso tells them that "are they not civilized men and lovers of yogurt" and to settle their differences on the field in a series of physical challenges.

Garu arrives first. Tobe and his men arrives in a huge wooden horse pulled by the Goblins. On Mount Olympus, Pucca spots Garu and falls in love with him. Master Soo declares Pucca as the goddess of sport. Pucca whistles then her cloud arrives. Abyo then announces the arrival of the goddess Pucca.

While Garu is preparing to throw, Pandora (Chief) gives her box to Tobe. He then orders his men to give it to Garu as gift. Pucca, disguised as one of Tobe's men gives it back to Tobe who gets attacked by wasps. When Garu throws the put, it hits Tobe and Abyo announces Garu the winner.

Garu is seen warming up, while Tobe is given a bag of goldfish, planning to use them to swim the relay for him. Pucca then replaces the goldfish with piranhas. Tobe puts the piranhas in his shorts and gets attacked by them in the pool. Garu finishes the race and wins, then Tobe jumps out of the pool with his body (from the neck down, specifically) reduced to bones.

While Garu is about to throw, Tobe then calls him to get his attention and look at Medusa (Doga). Garu ignores him. Tobe accidentally makes eye contact with Medusa, causing him to turn into stone. Pucca then sculpts a fountain with Tobe on top.

Before the race, Tobe asks Hermes to deliver him something only to get his winged sandals. He uses them on the hurdle race leaving Garu far behind. Pucca releases two cats, Mio and Yani, to attack Tobe's sandals. The sandals then run out of control and Tobe crashes to the ground near the finish line. Garu wins the games and Pucca crowns him, giving him kisses. Master Soo, watching them from the mountain, declares that he wants to immortalize the moment. It cuts to an Observatory and Chang presents the constellations of Hercules, Orion, Pegasus and Funny Love. Garu looks through the telescope and sees that the last constellation is of Pucca kissing Garu on the cheek.


Protagonist Characters[]

Antagonist Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

Background Characters[]


  • Oddly, this episode was confirmed to take place in an alternate timeline.
  • Many of the main and minor characters (including the Sooga townspeople) can be seen in the audience.



v - e - d Pucca — episodes