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The Dragon Girls are a group of explorers who earn decorative bandages by completely challenges and doing good deeds. They have only appeared in the episode Enter the Dragon Girls.

The Scout Leader is Destiny. Group members include Pucca, Ching and Ring Ring, as well as several unnamed girls.

According to Ring Ring, though their actions are "goody-goody", they have very cute uniforms so she agrees to join the scout troop in the hopes of wearing one (as well as earning more badges than Pucca). Pucca appears to be the best scout among the group.


Some of the deeds of the Dragon Girls includes

  • Picking up litter around Sooga Village
  • Collecting Butterflies
  • Keeping bees
  • Setting up campsites
  • Preventing fries
  • White Water rafting

Notable Badges[]

  • Science (particularly Chemistry)
  • Swimming
  • Ballet
  • Water dosing

