
Dada (다다, Dada) is a luckless, clumsy 14 year old dishwasher and waiter at the Goh-Rong Restaurant.


He is nervous and high-strung, which frequently leads to accidents around the kitchen.


Even though he is slow and klutzy, he does have some ninja skills as shown in Janitaurus.


Ring Ring[]

In Soap Opera, it is revealed that Dada is in love with Ring Ring, though Ring Ring rejects him due to seeing him as someone beneath her. She used him in He Loves Me Not to trick Pucca to believe he was Garu in disguise and the two had a type of relationship. Its most likely she used his crush on her to pull off spiteful plans against Pucca. In Chef-Napped!, he helped Ring Ring kidnap all the great chefs of the world, and tried to crush the village with a giant robot. Most likely Dada helped to get revenge on the chefs for how they treat him.

Uncle Dumpling, Ho and Linguini[]

The chefs treat him with very little respect which annoys him. He does eventually learn to use some of his skills in Janitaurus to get respect from them.

In Pucca: Love Recipe, Dada had a one-time rivalry with the chefs in Master Chef of Dong King?. There is an exception with Dada's rivalry with the chefs in Pucca: Love Recipe because he does seem to help them when Dong King tries to make Goh-Rong transport into an island, due to Edward.


Some think there are hints he has a crush on Pucca but its never explored to see if its true. He is, however, one of the very few people who can intercept one of Pucca's kisses without recrimination (in The Ring Ring Touch, when Pucca accidentally kisses him, he blushes and says "I've been kissed by a super model!").  And for the most part, Pucca does forgive him when he's done bad things with Ring Ring.

Character variations[]

  • Dadawata
  • Dada West
  • Dada Cool
  • Clean-Saurian
  • Snow Beast
  • Given dressed skeleton
  • Given Phantom of the Opera
  • (Garu) dressed
  • Evil agent
  • Due to disguise turtle
  • Dada Santos


  • He is one of the few characters to use a fork, only to be laughed at as Sooga Village uses chop sticks.
  • It is also implied that Dada was a Buddhist monk in the past.
  • In the uncut versions as seen on Tubi, Dada has a habit of wetting himself. When put on Disney's program, that is quickly cut/or edited out.
  • He has a shy bladder and wets himself when he is frightened/embarrassed, with the exception of Autograph This! where he urinated in the toilet.
  • In Pucca: Love Recipe, Dada was never seen wetting himself.

